Group D-4 ‰»Šw\‘’@(Chemical Structure)  
œ o-Dichlorobenzene @io-ƒWƒNƒƒƒxƒ“ƒ[ƒ“G o-DCBj (1,2-ƒNƒƒƒxƒ“ƒ[ƒ“j
@@@@CASF95-50-1 @Industry@ MW: 147.00
AM Sal. Max (0.5 mg/plate, }‚r9)
YM Yeast Min (4.0 mM, }‚r9),  2h)
MB Asp Max (4.0 mM, }‚r9,)   11)
DNA E. coli Min  (0.2mg/mL,  -S9) › 3)
DNA E. coli Max (0.44 mM)   12)
SM CHO Max (0.14 mg/mL)   13)
CA CHO Max (0.14 mg/mL)   14)
CA CHL/IU Max (0.2mg/ml, }M‚r9), 6-18h
MLA L5178Y Min (0.5 ƒΚ‚‡/mL, +S9) › 16)
MNv Mice, BM Min (0.7 g/kg), ip › 17)
MNv Mice, BM Max ( 0.2 g/kg), ip   18)
MNv Rats Max (1 mg/kg ), sc   19)
SLRLv Drosophila Max (17000 ppm), ih   14)
SLRLv Drosophila Max (1500 ppm, fd /50000 ppm, sc )   20)
UDSv Mice Max (2g/kg ), or   21)
SM Drosophila, eyes Min (1000 ppm, fd/ 5mM  ih › 22)
 ‚PjAnderson KJ., et al.: J. Agri. Food Chem.. 20, 649-656 (1972)
  2) Lawlor T. & Haworth SR.: Environ. Mutagen., 1, 143 (1979)
  3) Waters, MD., et al., Basic Life Sciences, 21, 275-320 (1982)                                                              
4) Simizu, N., et al., Mutat. Res., 116, 217-238.(1983)
  5) Howard, PH:  Fate and exposure data for organic chemicals. Vol I, Lewis Publishers (1989)
  6) Nohmi M., et al., Bult. Natl. Inst.. Hyg. Sci., 103, 60-64 (1985)
  7) Rohm and Hass Co. .Report of the Rohm and Hass Company,  Pensylvania; EPA/OTS Doc. No.878212181 (1979)
  8) Nakamura, S., et ,al., Mut. Res., 192, 239-246. (1987)
  9) Ono, Y. et al. Wat. Sci. Tech., 26, 61-69 (1992)
10) Paolini, M., et al.,  Mutat. Res., 413, 205-217 (1998) 
11) Prasad, I, J. Microbiol, 16, 369-372 .(1970)
12) DeMarini, ,et al.,  Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 19, 98-11 (1992).
13) Bioassay Systems, RPA/OTS Doc. No. 40-8420664, 1-23.(1984)
14) Bioassay Systems, EPA/OTS Do. No 40-8320545, 1-19, 126-148,161-181 (1983)
15) Ishidate MJr.(Ed.): Data Book, Chromosomal Aberration Test In Vitro, LICm Tokyo/ Elsevier, Amsterdam (1988)
16) Myhr, B.C. and Caspracy, W.T, Environ. Mol. Mutagen, 18, 51-83 (1991)
17) Mohtashamipur, E., et al., Mutagenesis, 2, 111-113 (1987)
18) Shelby, M.D et al., Eviron. Mol. Muta, 21, 160-179. (1993)
19) Rohm and Hass Co. Report of the Rohm and Hass Company, Pensylvania; EPA/OTS Doc. No.878212181 (1979)
20) Foureman, P,  et al.,  Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 23, 51-63 (1994)
21) Miyagawa, M. et al., Mutat. Res., 343, 157-183 .(1995)

22) Vogel EW and Nivard MJM, Mutagenesisi, 8, 57-81 (1993)
  US-NTP Genotoxicity Screening:
 › Ames Test: (}S9)F
 › SLRL Test with DrosophilaF
 › Mouse Lymphoma Assay (L517Y)F@
 › CA Test with CHO,F@ 
 › SCE Test with CHO F@›

@iCited from IARC Monographs Suppl., 6, 1987)
@No data were available on the genetic and related effects of this compound in humans. It was not mutagenic to fungi or bacteria. (IARC Monographs, 7, 231; 29, 213)

œ p-Dichlorobenzene@ip-ƒWƒNƒƒƒxƒ“ƒ[ƒ“ Gp-DCBj
@@@ 106-46-7@Industrial   147.00
AM Sal.. Max (?)
AM Sal./E. coli Min ( 0.1% vapor, }S9),  spa= 0.1% (Minimam effected dose) ›
AM Sal.. Max ( 5.0 mg/plate), }S9   12, 13)
AM Sal.. Min ( 2.5 mg/plate), +S9 › 14)
AM E. coli Max (?)   4)
MB A. nidulans Min (?) › 15)
SM CHO Min ( 0.35mg/ml), +S9, for 4h › 16)
YM S. cerevisiae: Max (?)
MB B. subtilis Max (?)
SLRL Drosophila Max (?)
CA CHO Max (?)
CA CHL/IU Max i 0.2 mg/ml, }MS9),  6-18h
CA CHL/IU Max i 0.14 mg/ml, }S9),  6-18h   11)
CA Human lym./CHO Max i 0.5 mg/ml, }S9), for 4h   17)
CA Rat hepatocytes Min ( 0.2 mg/ml), -S9), for 48h   18)
UM S. cerevisiae: Max i 0.44 mg/ml, }S9), for 4h   19)
SCE CHO Max i 0.15mg/ml, }S9)   20)
SCE Human lym Min (  0.05 mg/ml), -S9), for 46h › 17)
UDS HeLa Max i 0.5mg/ml, }S9)   20)
UDS Human lym Max i 1 mM)   21)
CT Balb/c3T3 Max i 1.40 mg/ml, ) ,-S9   22)
MNs Mice, BM Min ( 1.4 g/kg x 2), ip ›w 8)
DLv Mice, Max ( 450 ppm, 6h/d, for 5 days), ih
MNv Plant Min (?)
SLRLv Drosophila Max ( 15600 ppm),
  23)
CAv Rats, BM Max ( 500 ppm, 5h/d, 5d/w, for 3 mon.), ih   24)
MNv Mice, BM Max ( 2.5 g/kg) or   25)
MNv Mice, BM Max ( 2 g/kg x 2), or   26)
MNv Mice Peri .lym Max ( 1.8. g/kg, for 13w ), or   27)
SCGv Mice , liver Min ( 2 g/kg), ip › 29)
UDSv Mice , liver Max ( 1. g/kg,), or   30)
DNAv Rats, liver Min ( 300 mg/kg/d for 2 days), or › 31)
‚PjHaworth S., et al.: Environ. Mutagen., 5 (Suppl 1), 3-142 (1983)
2) Shimizu M., et al.: Mutation Res., 116, 217-238 (1983)
3) Simmon VF., et al. : Final Report Contract No. 68-02-2947, SRI Project LSU-7558, US-EPA (1979)
4) Waters MS., et al. : Basic Life Sci., 21, 275-326 (1982)
5) Garrett NE., et al.: Mutation Res., 168, 3081-325 (1986)
6) Sofuni T., et al.: Bull. Natl. Inst. Hyg. Sci. (Tokyo),103, 64-75 (1985) (Tables in English)
7) Ishidate MJr.(Ed.): Data Book, Chromosomal Aberration Testin ‚‰‚Ž ‚–‚‰‚”‚’‚, ‚k‚h‚b,‚s‚‚‹‚™‚/‚d‚Œ‚“‚…‚–‚‰‚…‚’, ‚`‚‚“‚”‚…‚’‚„‚‚i1988j
8) Mohtashamipur E., et al.: Mutagenesisi, 2, 111-113 (1987)
9) Ma T., et al.: Mutation Res., 138, 157-167 (1977)
10) Ministry of Labour, Japan: Mutagencitiy Test Data of Exist. Chem. Subst., JETOC (Ed.), Suppl. 3, pp. 172 (2005) (Tables in English)
11) Ministry of Labour, Japan: Mutagencitiy Test Data of Exist. Chem. Subst., JETOC (Ed.), Suppl. 3, pp. 245 (2005) (Tables in English)
12) Winker N.,et al., Arbeitsmed. Sozialmed. Umweltmed., 28, 288-292 (1993)
13) Jones E & FennerLA, Huntington Res. Centre, Ltd., Rep. No. RNP 273/8770 (1987)
14) Anderson D, ICI Rep. No. CTLP/298 (1976)
15) Prasad  I, Can. J. Microbiol., 16, 369-372(1970)
16) Litton Bionetics (1987)
17) Galloway SM, et al., Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 10 (Suppl 10) (1987)
18) Canonero R., et al., Mutaagenesis, 12, 35-39 (1997)
19) Ono Y., et al. Wat. Sci., Technol., 23, 329-358 (1991/1992)
20) RBM  Exp. No. M1030, ed. in Ivrea (1986)
21) Perocco., P., et al., toxicol Lett., 16, 69-75 (1983)
22) Litton Bionetics, Genetics Assay No. E-9419 (1986)
23) Bioassay System Corp., World Rev. Post.  Control, 9, 119-127 .(1982)
24) Anderson D & RichardsonCR, (Unpublished) ICI  Rep., No. CTL/P/293(1976)
25) Herbold A  (Unpublished) Rep. No. 14694, Bayer AG (1986)
26) Morita. T.,  et al., Mutation Res., 389, 3-122 (1997)
27) US-NTP, Rep., NTP TR-319, NIH Pub., No. 87-2575 (1987)
28) Anderson D  & Hodge MCE, (Unpublished) ICI Rep. No. CTL/P/296 (1976)
29) Sasaki YF., et al., Mutation Res., 39, 201-214 (1997)
30) Sherman TH.,et al., Teratog. Carcinog. Mutagen., 18, 309-318 (1998)
31) James NH., et al., Arch Toxicol., 72, 784-990 (1998)

  US-NTP Genotoxicity ScreeningF
  ›@Ames Test: (}S9)F@ 
  ›@MLA (L517Y)F@’
  ›@CA Test with CHO CellsF@
  ›@SCE Test with CHO CellsF@ 
  ARC Criteria for Carcinogenicity:
  Group 2B
(possibly carcinogenic to humans)

@iCited from IARC Monographs Suppl., 6, 1987)
@No data were available on the genetic and related effects of this compound in humans. It was mutagenic to fungi but not to bacteria. (IARC Monographs, 7, 231; 29, 215)
         œ 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine i3C3'-ƒWƒNƒƒƒxƒ“ƒ`ƒWƒ“j
                @91-94-1@Industry @ 253.13
AM Sal. Min (?), }S9) › 3, 4)
AM E. coli Max (?),  -S9)   5)
UDS HeLa Min ( 10-7 M,  +S9)
1, 4)
CT Rat embryo Min ( 5 ƒΚg/ml,@+S9)
MNv Mice, BM Min ( 1.0 g/kg), po › 3)
MNv Mice, Embryo Min ( 1.0 g/kg), po › 3)
SCEv Mice, BM Min ( 10 mg/kg), ip › 3)
UDSv Rat liver Min ( 500 mg/kg) › 3)
1) Martin CN., et al., Cancer Res., 38, 2621-2627 (1978)
2) Freeman AE., et al., J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 51, 799 (1973)
3) BUA Report, 30  (1989)
4) IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans 4 (1982)
5) Gangolli S., The Dictinary of Sustances and their Effects, 2nd. Ed, The Rorayl Society of Chemistry (1999)

yNotez@(Cited from CICADs Documents, 2, 1998)
   There is convincing evidence that 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine is genotoxic both in vivo and in vitro. In in vitro assays, 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine was mutagenic in Salmonela strains (Garner, et al., 1975), increased the frequency of sister chromatid exchange (Shiraishi, 1986), and unscheduled DNA synthesis in human cells (Martin et al., 1978), and "morphologically transformed" rat embryo cells ( Freeman et al., 1973 ).
    In in vivo studies,  3,3'-dichlorobenzidine increased the frequency of micronuclei in the bone marrow cells of mice ( Cihak & Vontorkova, 1987), increased unscheduled DNA synthesis in the liver of rats ( Ashby & Mohammed, 1988), and increased the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in the bone marrow cells of mice (You et al., 1993).

EAshby J, Mohammed R (1988) UDS activity in the rat liver of the human carcinogens benzidine and 4-aminobiphenyl, and the rodent carcinogens 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine and Direct Black 38. Mutagenesis, 3: 69-71.
ECihak R, Vontorkova M (1987) Benzidine and 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine (DCB) induce micronuclei in the bone marrow and the fetal liver of mice after gavage. Mutagenesis, 2: 267-269.
EFreeman A, Weisburger E, Weisburger J, Wolford R, Maryak J, Huebner R (1973) Transformation of cell cultures as an indication of the carcinogenic potential of chemicals. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 51: 799-808.
EGarner R, Walpole A, Rose F (1975) Testing of some benzidine analogues for microsomal activation to bacterial mutagens. Cancer letters, 1: 39-42.
EMartin C, McDermid A, Garner R (1978) Testing of known carcinogens and noncarcinogens for their ability to induce unscheduled DNA synthesis. Cancer research, 38: 2621-2627.
EShiraishi Y (1986) Hypersensitive character of Bloom syndrome B-lymphoblastoid cell lines usable for sensitive carcinogen detection. Mutation research, 175: 179-187.
EYou Z, Brezzell M, Das S, Espadas-Torre M, Hooberman B, Sinsheimer J (1993) Ortho-substituent effects on the in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity of benzidine derivatives. Mutation research, 319 :19-30.

œ 2,4-Dichlorobenzoyl chloride i2C4-ƒWƒNƒƒƒxƒ“ƒ]ƒCƒ‹ƒNƒƒ‰ƒCƒhj
@     89-75-8@Industry @ 209.46

AM Sal.. Max ( 1.25 mg/plate, }S9)
1) Ministry of Labour, Japan: Mutagencitiy Test Data of Exist. Chem. Subst., JETOC (Ed.), Suppl. 3, pp. 135 (2005) (Tables in English)
2-(4,ƒΏ-Dichlorobenzyl) pyridine @@i2-(4CƒΏ-ƒWƒNƒƒƒxƒ“ƒWƒ‹j@ƒsƒŠƒWƒ“j
         142404-69-1@Industry @ 238.12
CA CHL/IU Min ( 0.26 mg/ml,@-S9),  6-18h:
1) Ministry of Labour, Japan: Mutagenicity Test Data of Exist. Chem. Subst., Suppl. 2, pp..240 (2000) (Tables in English)

œ 3,4-Dichloro-1-butene i3C4-ƒWƒNƒƒƒuƒeƒ“j
@@   @760-23-6@Industry @ 124.99
AM Sal. Min (  0.25 mg/plate, -S9)
CA CHL/IU Min ( 0.01 mg/ml,@+S9),  6-18h:
1) Ministry of Health, Labour & Welfare, Japan (Ed):Toxicity Testing Reports of Environ. Chemicals, Vol. 4 (1996) (Tables in English)

œ Dichlorodifluoromethane@io-ƒWƒNƒƒƒWƒtƒ‹ƒIƒƒƒ^ƒ“GCFC-12j
@@@  75-71-8 @Industr
y/Blowing agent 120.91
AM Sal. Max (?), }S9, (gas exposure)
SM CHO Max (?), (gas exposure)
CT BHK21 Max (?), (gas exposure)
1, 2)
DLv Rats Max ( ‚P50 mg/kg/day) po, for several weeks
1, 3))
‚Pj IPCS: Environ. Health Criteria, 113, WHO (1990)
2)  Longstaff E; Ann. New York Academy of Sciences, 534, 283-298 (1988)
3)  The Canadian Center for Occup. Health and Safety CCOHS CHEMINFO (1996)

œ 1,3- Dichloro-5,5-dimethyl hydantoin i1C3-ƒWƒNƒ-5C5-ƒWƒƒ`ƒ‹ƒqƒ_ƒ“ƒgƒCƒ“G@DCDMH@j
@@@ 118-52-5@@Industry 197.02

US-NTP Genotoxicity ScreeningF

› AmesTest F@ 
› Reciprocal Translocation Test in DrosophilaF
› MLA Test in MiceF@›
› CA Test with CHO CellsF@ 
› SLRL Test with DrosophilaF@’

œ 1,1-Dichloroethane@
i1C1-ƒWƒNƒƒƒGƒ^ƒ“j (Ethylidene chloride)

@@@  75-34-3@@Industrial @ 98.96
AM Sal. Max ( 5.0mg/plate, }S9)
AM Sal. Min (?)
MB A. nidulans@
Min (?) (Non-disjunction) @
CA CHO Max (?)
CA CHL/IU Max ( 1.0mg/ml/-MS9G 11.7mg/ml, +MS9)
SCE CHO Min (?)
DNA Rats & Mice/ hepatocytes Min (?)
CT BALB/c 3T3 Max ( 1.0mg/ml/-MS9G 11.7mg/ml, +MS9)
Others SH/embryo Min ( 1.0mg/ml/-MS9G 11.7mg/ml, +MS9)
Others V79 Min (?) (Metabolic cooperation)
1) Simmon VF., et al.: Dev. Toxicol. Environ. Sci., 2, 249-258 (1977)
2) Nohmi T., et al.: Bull. Natl. Inst. Hyg. Sci. (Tokyo), 103, 60-64 (1985)
3) Ishidate MJr (Ed.) Data Book of Mutagenicity Tests on Chemicals in Bacteria, LIC/Japan (1991) (Tables in English)
4) Milman HA., et al.: Ann. N.Y. acad. Sci., 534, 521-530 (1988)
5) Crebellei R., et al.: Mutatation Res., 201(2), 401-411 (1988)
6) NTP: Fiscal Year 1988, Public Health Service, USA (1988)
7) Ishidate MJr.(Ed.): Data Book, Chromosomal Aberration Test In Vitro LIC, Tokyo/Elcevier, Amsterdam (1988)
8) Williams GM., et al.: Mutation Res. 221, 263-286 (1989)
9) Tu AS., et al.: Cancer Lett. 28, 85-92 (1985)
10) Hach GG., et al.: Cancer Res., 43,1945-1959 (1983)
11) Elmore E., et al.: Abstract No. 655, Toxicologist 7, 164 (1987)
12) Colacci A., et al.: Pharmacol. 49(2),243-254 (1985)
@@@ @
US-NTP Genotoxicity Screening:F

 › Ames TestF @
CA Test with CHO CellsF@ 
 › SCE Test with CHO Cells@›

œ 1,2- Dichloroethane@i1C2-ƒWƒNƒƒƒGƒ^ƒ“j@@
@@@  107-06-2@Industry @ 98.96
AM Sal. Max (  5.0 mg/plate. }S9)
AM Sal./E. coli Min (  0.313 mg/plate, +S9) › 4)
CA CHL/IU Min (  1.0 mg/ml, +S9), 6-18h; @D20= 0.52; TR= 28
MNv Mice (ICR) Max(  360 mg/kg, ip)
1) Ishidate MJr (Ed): Data Book for Mutagencity Tests on Chemicals in Bacteria, LIC/Tokyo (1991) (Tables in English)
2) Sofuni T. (Ed.): Data Book of Chromosomal Aberration Test In Vitro LIC, Tokyo (1998) (Tables in English)
Morita T et al., Mutation Res., 389, 3-122 (1997)
4) Ministry of Labour, Japan: Mutagencitiy Test Data of Exist. Chem. Subst., JETOC (Ed.), Suppl. 3, pp. 174 (2005) (Tables in English)

yNotez@(Cited from CICADs Documents,1, 1998))
 1,2-Dichloroethane has been consistently demonstrated to be genotoxic in numerous in vitro and in vivo assays for a wide range of end-points. It has been mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium, especially in the presence of an exogenous activation system (Milman et al., 1988; Barber et al., 1981; Moriya et al., 1983 ) , and induces unscheduled DNA synthesis (Williams et al., 1989; Milman et al., 1988), induces gene mutation (,Tan & Hsie, 1981) and forms adducts with DNA in mammalian cells in vitro (Banerjee, 1988). It binds to DNA in all reported in vivo studies in rats and mice (Prodi et al., 1986).  1,2-Dichloroethane has also induced somatic cell and sex-linked recessive lethal mutations in Drosophila (Nylander et al., 1978; Kramers et al., 1991). Available data on genotoxicity are consistent with the hypothesis that the glutathione pathway of conjugation (i.e. production of the glutathione episulfonium ion) is probably of greater significance than the P-450 pathway as the major route for DNA damage (Guengerich et al., 1980; Rannug, 1980; Sundheimer et al., 1982; Inskeep et al., 1986; Koga et al., 1986; Simula et al., 1993); mutation frequency in human cell lines has been correlated with variations in levels of glutathione- S-transferase activities (Crespi et al., 1985).

EBanerjee S (1988) DNA damage in rodent liver by 1,2-dichloroethane, a hepatocarcinogen. Cancer biochemistry and biophysics, 10:165-173.
EBarber RD, Donish WH, Mueller KR (1981) A procedure for the quantitative measurement of the mutagenicity of volatile liquids in the Ames Salmonella microsome assay. Mutation research, 90:31-48.
ECrespi CL, Seixas GM, Turner TR, Ryan CG, Penman BW (1985) Mutagenicity of 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,2-dibromoethane in two human lymphoblastoid cell lines. Mutation research, 142:133-140.
EGuengerich FP, Crawford WM, Domoradzki JY, MacDonald TL, Watanabe PG (1980) In vitro activation of 1,2-dichloroethane by microsomal and cytosolic enzyme. Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 55:303-317.
EInskeep PB, Koga N, Cmarik JL, Guengerich FP (1986) Covalent binding of 1,2-dihaloalkanes to DNA and stability of the major DNA adduct, S-[2[(N7-guanyl)ethyl]glutathione. Cancer research, 46:2839-2844.
EKoga N, Inskeep PB, Harris TM, Guengerich FP (1986) S-[2-(N7-guanyl)ethyl] glutathione, the major DNA adduct formed from 1,2-dibromoethane. Biochemistry, 25:2192-2198. K
EKramers PG, Mout HC, Bissumbhar B, Mulder CR (1991) Inhalation exposure in Drosophila mutagenesis assays: experiments with aliphatic halogenated hydrocarbons, with emphasis on the genetic activity profile of 1,2-dichloroethane. Mutation research, 252:17-33.
EMilman HA, Storey DL, Riccio ES, Sivak A, Tu AS, Williams GM, Tong C, Tyson CA (1988) Rat liver foci and in vitro assays to detect initiating and promoting effects of chlorinated ethanes and ethylenes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 534:521-530.
EMoriya M, Ohta T, Watanabe K, Miyazawa T, Kato K, Shirasu Y (1983) Further mutagenicity studies on pesticides in bacterial reversion assay systems. Mutation research, 116:185-216.
ENylander P-O, Olofsson H, Rasmuson B, Svahlin H (1978) Mutagenic effects of petrol in Drosophila melanogaster. I. Effects of benzene and 1,2-dichloroethane. Mutation research, 57:163-167.
EProdi G, Arfelini G, Colacci A, Grilli S, Mazzulo M (1986) Interaction of halocompounds with nucleic acids. Toxicologic pathology, 14:438-444.
ERannug U (1980) Genotoxic effects of 1,2-dibromoethane and 1,2-dichloroethane. Mutation research, 76:269-295.
ESimula TP, Glancey MG, Wolf CR (1993) Human glutathione S-transferase-expressing Salmonella typhimurium tester strains to study the activation/detoxification of mutagenic compounds: studies with halogenated compounds, aromatic amines and aflatoxin B1. Carcinogenesis, 14:1371-1376.
ESundheimer DW, White RD, Brendel K, Sipes IC (1982) The bioactivation of 1,2-dibromoethane in rat hepatocytes: covalent binding to nucleic acids. Carcinogenesis, 3:1129-1133.
ETan E-L, Hsie AW (1981) Mutagenicity and cytotoxicity of haloethanes as studied in the CHO/HGPRT system. Mutation research, 90:183-191.
EWilliams GM, Mori H, McQueen CA (1989) Structure-activity relationships in the rat hepatocyte DNA-repair test for 300 chemicals. Mutation research, 221:263-286.

œ 1,2-Dichloro-1-ethoxyethane i1,2-ƒWƒNƒƒ-1-ƒGƒgƒLƒVƒGƒ^ƒ“j
        623-46-1@Industry @@143.0
CA CHL/IU Min (  0.0015 mg/ml, -S9), 24h; D20=0.0012;
1) Ministry of Labour, Japan: Mutagenicity Test Data of Exist. Chem. Subst.,, pp..430 (1996) (Tables in English)

œ 1,2- Dichloroethylene i1C2-ƒWƒNƒƒƒGƒ`ƒŒƒ“G1C2- DCEj@@
@@ @(cis); @@156-59-2  (sym); @ 540-59-0; @(trans)@  156-60-5 @@@Industry 96.94
AM Sal. Max ( 0.05 ml/plate, -S9)
AM Sal. Max ( 10 mg/plate, }S9 )
AM E. coli Max ( 0.28 mg/ml, }S9 )
YM S. cerevisiae Min ( 0.97 mg/ml, +S9 )
YM S. cerevisiae Max ( 0.97 mg/ml, }S9 )
5, 6)
CA CHL/IU Max ( 2.0 mg/ml, }S9 )
CA CHO Mix ( 5.0 mg/ml, -S9 )
2, 8)
HMA S. cerevisiae/mice Min ( 1.3 g/kg, or )
HMA Sal./ mice Min ( 0.5 x LD50, or )
CAv Mice, BM Min ( 0.5 x LD50, ip )
1) Cerna M & Kypenova H., Mutation Res., 46, 214-215 (1977)
2) USA-NTP, Toxicity Rep. Ser., No. 55 (2001)
3) Greim H., et al., Biochem. Pharmacol., 24, 2013-2017 (1975)
4) Bronzetti G., et al., Teratog. Carcinog. Mutag., 4, 365-375 (1984)
5) Cantelli-Forti G & Bronzetti G, Ann. N,Y. Acad. Sci., 534, 679-693 (1988)
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  US-NTP Genotoxicity ScreeningF
  › Ames Test :@
  › CA Test with CHO :
icis-) & (trans-)  @@
SCE Test with CHO : (cis-)› (trans-)  
œ cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene @@icis-1,2-ƒWƒNƒƒƒGƒ`ƒŒƒ“j
@156-59-2 @Industry @ 96.94
AM Sal. Max (  5.0 mg/plate, }S9)
CA CHL/IU Max ( 7.5 mg/ml,@}MS9),  6-18h:
1) Ishidate MJr (Ed.) Data Book of Mutagenicity Tests on Chemicals in Bacteria, LIC/Japan (1991) (Tables in English)
2) Sofuni T. (Ed.): Data Book of Chromosomal Aberration Test In Vitro LIC, Tokyo (1998) (Tables in English)

œ Dichloroethyl ether iƒWƒNƒƒƒGƒ`ƒ‹ƒG[ƒeƒ‹j
@@@@111-44-4@(Industrial /Solvent) 143.01
  US-NTP Genotoxicity ScreeningF

  › AmesTest :@›w
  › SLRL Test with Drosophila:@
  › Reciprocal Translocation Test with Drosophila:  

 IARC Criteria for CarcinogenicityF
  Group 3
iNot classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humansj
œTop Page@iƒgƒbƒvƒy[ƒWj
œAbbreviation @iΘ—ͺ‹L†j@
œMutagenicity i•ΟˆΩŒ΄«j
œTest Systems@(ŽŽŒ±–@‚ΜŽν—ށj
œTechnical Problems@i‹Zp“I–β‘θ“_j
œList of@Compoundsi‰»‡•¨ƒŠƒXƒgj
œEvaluation of Results@iŽŽŒ±Œ‹‰Κ‚Μ•]‰Ώj