H-Compounds (0870-0913)

click the group in which the target compound is included.)

No. Name of Compounds (Commonly used) CAS No Use Mut.@ Car.A
H-1 0870 Haloperidol (ハロペリドール) 52-86-8 m
0871 Halothane (ハロタン)* 151-67-7 i G3
0872 Heptachlor (ヘプタクロール)* 76-44-8 i G2B
0873 Heptachlor epoxide (ヘプタクロールエポキサイド)* 1024-57-3 i
0874 Hexachlorobenzene (ヘプタクロロベンゼン)* 118-74-1 i G2B
0875 Hexachloro-1, 3-butadiene (ヘキサクロロ-1,3-ブタジェン)* 87-68-3 i G3
0876 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
77-47-4 i
H-2 0877 Hexachloroethane (ヘキサクロロエタン)* 67-72-1 i G2B
0878 Hexamethonium bromide(ヘキサメトニウムブロマイド) 55-97-0 i
0879 Hexamethyleneimine (Hexahydroazepine, Homopiperidine) + 111-49-9 i ?
0880 Hexamethylphosphoramide (HMPA) (ヘキサメチルホスホラミド)* 680-31-9 i G2B
0881 Hexane (n-Hexane)(ヘキサン) * 110-54-3 i
0882 1, 6-Hexanediamine(1,6-ヘキサンジアミン) * 124-09-4 i
0883 1, 6-Hexanediol (Hexamethylene glycol) + 621997-11-8 i ?
0884 1-Hexene (1-ヘキセン)* 592-41-6 i
H-3 0885 Hibiscus manihot powder (ハイビスカス) - f, n
0886 Hinokitiol (ヒノキトール) 499-44-5 f
0887 L-Histidine monohydrochloride(ヒスチジン1塩酸) 71-00-1 f
0888 Hop oil English Sas - f, n
0889 Hydantoic acid (ウレイド酢酸) 462-60-2 i
0890 Hydralazine -HCl(ヒドララジン・塩酸) 304-20-1 m G3
0891 Hydrazine  (anhydrous) (ヒドラジン 無水) * 302-01-2 i G2B
0892 Hydrazinoethanol (Omaflora) 109-84-2 i ?
0893 Hydrochlorothiazide(ヒドロクロロチアジド) 58-93-5 m G3
H-4 0894 Hydrocotarnine -HCl(ヒドロコタルニン-塩酸) 5985-55-7 l
0895 Hydroflumethiazide(ヒドロフルメチアジド) 135-09-1 m
0896 Hydrogenated terphenyls * 61788-32-7 i
0897 Hydrogen cyanide 74-90-8 i
0898 Hydrogen peroxide (過酸化水素)* 7722-84-1 m, f G3
0899 Hydrogen sulfide (硫化水素)* 7783-06-4 i
0900 α-Hydro-w-hydroxypoly(oxy-1, 4-butanediyl + 25190-06-1 i
0901 Hydroquinone(ハイドロキノン)( 1,4-Dihydroxybenzene)*+ 123-31-9 i G3
0902 3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid(3-ヒドロキシアントラニル酸) 548-93-6 l
0903 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid  (p-Hydroxybenzoic acid) + 99-96-7 i ?
0904 2-Hydroxyethyl acrylate+ 818-61-1 i
0905 (2-Hydroxyethyl)trimethylammonium chloride + 67-48-1 i ?
0906 L-Hyddroxy-kynurenine (L-ヒドロキシキヌレニン) 606-14-4 l
0907 N-Hydroxymethyl dimethylphosphonopropionamide (Pyrovatex CP) 20120-33-6 i
0908 3-Hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid + 92-70-6 i ?
0909 3-Hydroxy-2, 7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid disodium salt# 135-51-3 i
0910 2-Hydroxy-4-(octyloxy)benzophenone# 1843-05-6 i
0911 2-Hydroxypropanenitrile# 78-97-7 i
0912 2-Hydroxypropyl methacrylate# 923-26-2 i
0913 8-Hydroxyquinoline (8-Quinolinol) + 148-24-3 i G3

* American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
# Toxicity Testing Reports of Environmental Chemicals, Chemicals Investigation Promoting Committee, Supervised by the Ministry of Health, Labor & Welfare, Japan, Vol. 1-9 (1994-2002)
+ Mutagenicity Test Data of Existing Chemical Substances, Supervised by the Minstry of Labor, Japan; JETOC (1996-2005)
i Industrial chemicals
l Chemicals used only at laboratories
m Medicine (for human or animals)
f Food or food additives (including natural products)
p Pesticides
d Medical devices
n Natural products
c Cosmetics
@Mut. Mutagencity/Genotoxicity of the compound qualitatively summarized from this Database
ACar. Carcinogenicity information of the compound (Cited from IARC or Experimental Data in Japan)

各化合物の変異原性の総合判定 (本データベースによる)
 各化合物について、現在までに得られた幾つかの試験結果を総合し、著者の判断で、定性的に総合判定を加えたものです。 但し、データが不十分であると思われた場合には”?”を添付しました。
 (Genotoxic potential of the each substance was summarized from the data, and classified into different categories. If the data was considered to be insufficient, a mark (?) was added.)
変異原性が殆ど認められない場合 Almost negative
In vitro 試験系で弱いながら陽性の場合あるいは
In vivo試験系で陰性の場合;あるいは
Weakly positive in in vitro test system(s); or
Negative in vivo test system(s); or
Inconclusive (Conflicting between authors)
In vitro試験系で活性が高い場合;
In vivo系試験で陽性の場合
Strongly positive in vitro test system(s); or
Positive in in vivo test system(s)
変異原性が明らかに認められた場合 Apparently positive
各化合物の発がん性に関する情報 (IARCによる)
 (Information from the IARC on the carcinogenicity of each substance )
Jap:我が国の厚生省がん特別研究班で行われたげっ歯類を用いる発がん性試験 (The bio-assay data from the Ministry Health & Welfare, Japan, 1973-1983)
G4 ヒトと実験動物で発がん性がないことを示唆する証拠がある場合 No evidence of carcinogenicity in human and experimental animals
G3 ヒトの発がん性の証拠が不適切であり、実験動物での発がん性の証拠が不適切、または限定される場合; あるいは
Not classifiable as to carcinogenicity to human, or Inadequate evidence in human and experimental animals
G2B ヒトでの発がん性の限定された証拠があるが、実験動 物での発がん性の証拠が十分でない場合;
Possibly carcinogenic in humans; or
Inadequate evidence in humans; or
Sufficient evidence in animals
G2A ヒトでの発がん性の限定された証拠があり、かつ実験動物での発がん性の十分な証拠がある場合 Limited evidence of carcinogencity in humans and sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals
G1 ヒトに対して発がん性の十分な証拠がある場合 Sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans

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