
The Japanese Environmental Mutagen
and Genome Society (JEMS)

Environmental mutagens are chemical or physical agents in our
environment that induce genetic mutation or increase mutation rates
during the human lifespan.
Our mission is to discover how environmental mutagens affect organisms and
the environment, and to promote and apply this knowledge to protect human
health and our environment.

About Us


  • International Association of Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Societies
  • Asian Association of Environmental Mutagen Societies (AAEMS)
  • 放射線のリスクを正しく理解するために
  • 安全性・薬効・薬物動態の総合評価 メディフォード株式会社
  • 賛助会員バナー
  • This video shows a series of procedures of the Ames test, one of the genotoxicity tests. It is designed to help beginners visualize the steps.
  • This video shows a series of procedures of the in vitro micronucleus test, one of the genotoxicity tests. It is designed to help beginners visualize the steps.
